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Are Your SIEM and EDR Systems Keeping Pace with Cyber Threats?
Security Detection Use Case Testing

We all know Cybersecurity cannot rely on a “set it and forget it” approach, especially when it comes to critical tools like Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) or Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) systems. Organisations often deploy these systems and neglect necessary regular testing, assuming their initial configurations will continue to protect against threats. However, with the dynamic nature of cyber threats, this complacency can expose organisations to risks.

Why Regular Testing is Crucial

Databl strongly advises that organisations should regularly test their detection systems to ensure they are not just functional but effective against modern attacks. A practical tool for this purpose is Atomic Red Team—an open-source project developed by Red Canary. It provides a suite of tests designed to simulate various attack techniques, helping organisations validate their security measures.

Benefits of Using Atomic Red Team

  • Open-source and Community-driven: Available freely, making it a cost-effective solution for security testing.
  • Easy to Implement: The tests are straightforward, enabling organisations with limited technical expertise to use them effectively.
  • Comprehensive: Covers a broad spectrum of attack vectors aligned with the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
  • Get started quickly: Atomic Red Team Tutorials
  • Atomic Red Team GitHub: Readme


To stay ahead of potential security threats, regular testing of your SIEM and EDR systems using tools like Atomic Red Team is essential. This approach not only bolsters your cybersecurity defenses but also aligns with proactive security practices that adapt to evolving cyber threats. Remember, maintaining robust security is an ongoing process of adaptation and improvement.

Simulated Attack Lab

If you want to learn more about how to build an simulated attack lab in your organisation and put your SIEM and EDR to the test, please reach out direct to Databl.

Happy testing!